Get in touch
We are here to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us via phone, email or you can book a chiropractic appointment online anytime.
M: 0457 849 290
Clinic location
A: Suite 3, 114 Princes Highway, Ulladulla 2539 NSW
We are located within the Specialist Medical Centre, located behind Anytime Fitness in Ulladulla and offers easy rear parking for patients in the South Street car park.
Opening hours
Monday: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.30am - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.30am- 5.00pm
By appointment only. We are closed on public holidays.
Our current fees are displayed on the opening page of the online booking form. Fees subject to change.
Your safety is our priority
We ask everyone visiting the clinic to take extra care. If you are unwell and experiencing any flu-like symptoms please contact us immediately to re-schedule your appointment. We are also undertaking regular cleaning of the clinic and equipment.